20 Common Mistakes C-Level Leaders Make With Companywide Emails

Our Founder, Daniela Landherr from The Human Space, is featured in the Forbes post on “20 Common Mistakes C-Level Leaders Make With Companywide Emails“. She shares a nugget on “Communicating In A Transactional Way“: Emails from C-level leaders can quickly feel impersonal and transactional, making employees feel undervalued and as if the leaders don’t truly care, which leads to an erosion of trust and resistance to change. Get communication right: Acknowledge the efforts and emotions of employees (meet them where they are), be clear in your message and connect back to the mission (why are we doing this). You can read the full article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2024/07/11/20-common-mistakes-c-level-leaders-make-with-companywide-emails/

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