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Executive Coaching Journey

Become the leader people will remember.

Emerge on a transformative executive leadership coaching journey to expand the level of complexity you can handle and the polarities and paradoxes you can hold.

Inside the Coaching Journey

  • The Leadership Circle Profile™
  • Values assessment
  • Saboteur / shadows assessment
  • Coaching intake survey
  • Energy mapping
  • On-the-job shadowing and debrief
  • Frequent virtual and/or in-person coaching sessions (50 minutes)
  • Flexible online scheduling or fixed sessions
  • In-person sessions are generally held outdoors
  • Multiple sessions can be combined
  • Whatsapp
  • Calls
  • e-mail
  • Half-day, full day or multiple day long retreat(s)
  • Intense deepening of a specific development through simulations, visualizations, role play, experiential development
  • Creating space for deep reflection
  • Inventorization and visualization of current and future self
  • Discovery of inner purpose
  • Designing your legacy
  • Kickstarting your auto-biography
  • Defining your key objectives for this coaching journey and key milestones / desired results
  • Establishing measuring criteria
  • Tracking your progress through feedback and assessments
  • Measuring the impact of this coaching journey on you and your ecosystem

Core methodologies

Cognitive Behavioral Coaching

Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC) is a goal-oriented coaching approach, focused on shaping mindsets, thoughts and behaviors. Identify and challenge negative thoughts and replace them with a more positive and productive mindset driving desired outcomes.

Transformational Coaching

Transformational Coaching focuses on creating deep, meaningful change in your entire ecosystem, personal and professional environment. It serves to create awareness of your operating model and patterns to transform perspectives, beliefs, values, mindsets and behaviors.

Inspirational Leadership

Inspirational Leadership is adaptive. Internalize evolutionary frameworks, skills and tools needed to be future-ready and to audit your own and your organization's changeability and agility. Become comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to embrace lifelong learning and growth.

Embodied Leadership

Guiding you to increase your self-awareness beyond the cognitive domain to gain somatic, embodied intelligence where deeper shifts lie, beyond what is possible from theoretical learning, heightening your full sense of awareness and power to shape outcomes.

Reflective Development

Reflective Development will empower you to design desired outcomes by uncovering layers of hidden traumas and patterns that drive your behaviors. It is the fuel that accelerates your progress, anchoring you in your own purpose and advancing you to a self-transforming mindset.

Complexity Theory

Mature transformational leadership requires rapid sense-making, keen powers of system observation, data-based intuition, the ability to hold paradoxes and dancing with uncertainties and building your confidence in decision-making amidst competing polarities.

In it together

Working with someone you feel safe with to challenge you will be key in finding the coach you want to go on this journey with. My credo is to “become comfortable with being uncomfortable“, that’s how you will grow. I will be by your side along the way, together discovering areas you haven’t been to yet that will accelerate your personal and professional growth.

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